With oral conscious sedation, patients take medication that allows them to stay calm, comfortable and in control. Patients elect to receive oral sedation with their dental treatment for a number of reasons. Some of these reasons include:

  • Completing their entire treatment in 1 or 2 visits
  • Bad gag reflex
  • A traumatic experience from a previous dental procedure
  • Complex dental treatment
  • A high anxiety of dentists and/or a fear of needles
  • Embarrassed of their smile

Prior to your appointment

You will be seen in our office to review your treatment that will be completed under oral sedation. At this time, we will also answer any questions that you might have and dispense your medication. We will also discuss your driving arrangements as you will not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle.

Besides water, we request that you do not have anything to eat 12 hours prior to the appointment. You will take a pill prior to going to bed. This pill is a mild sedative and will allow a restful night of sleep leading up to your appointment. Once you arrive in our office the next day, we will then administer another type of medication that will allow you to relax throughout your entire dental appointment. We will not start your treatment until you are completely relaxed and will administer more medication if necessary.

After your appointment

Your companion will take you home and allow you to rest for the remainder of the day. You will not be able to work this day. Also, you most likely will have little to no memory of your dental visit. We will follow up with you by telephone on the evening of the appointment as well as the next day. You will also have access to Dr. Chris Hill in the evening, should you need it.

Conscious sedation dentistry allows us to erase years of needed treatment in just 1-2 appointments without any anxiety. In a just a few appointments we can help our patients to achieve the smile that they have always wanted, restore proper function back to their teeth and increase their self-confidence with a brand new smile. Please call (314) 678-7876 (Downtown St. Louis) or (314) 678-7876 (Clayton) to learn more now.