Dear City Smiles Patients and Friends,
We all know these are uncertain times. However, we are here, we are ready, and we are so excited to see you again. We have been working tirelessly to review and update our safety protocals over the last few weeks and we want to let you know more about what to expect on your next visit. As always, your health, along with the safety of our team, is our top priority.
There is nothing anyone can do to provide you with 100% certainty that you will not catch a virus. This is true with any virus and is true in any medical/dental office, grocery store, coffee shop, school, and gym…even your own home. With that said, we are following the recommendations of the CDC, OSHA, and ADA to decrease any exposure risk, but nothing eliminates it completely. Many weeks ago, we responsibly closed our office. During our closure, we have invested significantly in training and improvements to decrease associated risks of infection. We have developed some new protocals and it is critical that all patients comply with these in order for us to keep everyone safe.
Below are a list of changes that will be taking place to ensure that we can continue to provide excellent and safe care.
Patient Forms and Payment:
1. We will be asking patients to please update patient paperwork online at least 48 hours prior to your appointment. If you require any updates, we will email these forms for you to complete online. Please take the time to do this promptly or we may need to postpone your appointment. There may be a time during your appointment that we do still need to do some in office paperwork and we will do it in the safest way possible.
2. We will be handling payment over the phone prior to your appointment to limit contact. We will use the credit card you have on file. If you wish to pay a different way or your card has changed, please contact us prior to your appointment date.
3. For the forseeable future, you may see a minimal increase in your copayment. We have added many safety measures outlined below and in accordance with the dental governing bodies’ recommendations, there will be a minimal charge to account for the new personal protective equipment and patient distancing measures. We have always strived to give you the most advanced level of care and safety and we will continue to do so. Please understand we are doing everything we can to deliver the highest, safest level of care to you with minimal increased cost to you.
New Safety Procedures:
1. Upon arrival, patients will need to stay in their cars, and call 314-375-5353 to notify us they have arrived. We will then give you clearance to come in or ask you to wait until your room is ready.
2. No guests may accompany you to your appointment. If you have a guest with you, please have them wait in the vehicle for the duration of the appointment. Our reception area and our beverage station are closed.
3. We are asking all patients to wear their own maskin and out of the building.
4. Upon arrival, please bring in only very limited and essential belongings. Leave the rest in your vehicle. You will be asked upon arrival to utilize hand sanitizer and to keep your cell phone away for the duration of the visit, or if you wish to have it available, we will sanitize it for you upon arrival.
5. We will take your temperature upon entry and ask a series of recommended wellness questions. If necessary, you will be reappointed if there are any risks discovered. If you have a fever of over 100 degrees, we will reschedule your visit.
6. We are saddened that we cannot greet you with a handshake or a hug as we might normally do. Our level of care for you hasn’t changed, but we will probably give you a wave or virtual handshake/hug to limit contact for your safety.
7. All team members will have enhanced personal protective equipment to improve the safety of care to our patients, including but not limited to, the higher level filtration masks, face shields, and disposable gowns. So don’t be surprised if we look a bit different!
8. Please reschedule your appointment if you feel you have come into contact with anyone diagnosed or suspected of having COVID-19. If you have any symptoms at all, please call us to reschedule your appointment.
9. Lastly, we ask that, if in the 14 days following your appointment, you are tested or diagnosed for COVID-19, develop any symptoms associated with COVID-19, or anyone in your close family/surroundings is diagnosed with COVID-19, please let us know. We will keep your privacy safe, but this will help us in continuing to keep our team and other patients safe as well.
Our hope is that our new routines provide you with comfort knowing that you continue to be provided exceptional care in a safe environment. We love our patients. We love our team. We are so happy to see you again safely.
If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (314) 678-7876.
We cannot wait to see you!
The City Smiles Team